Learning of Jesus


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Learning Of Jesus, by Doris Edwards


These lessons feature the Lipson method and target a flexible high-beginner level of proficiency. With an integrated skills approach, all four skills reinforce each other in the learning process. Learners' real-life needs are addressed with earthly objectives, while heavenly objectives point toward their deeper spiritual needs. A cultural focus validates the students' worldview and promotes cross-cultural understanding.

Each lesson begins with a Warm-Up activity to introduce the lesson topic. Next a well-planned transition leads to a related Bible story that is introduced with hallmark Lipson drawings and Core Sentences. Specific suggestions are given to help students understand the meaning of new words. The teacher-guided Practice and Use of the new learning includes repetition of sentences, comprehension questions, a Cloze activity, Strip Story and students' telling the story in their own words. This is followed up with Life Application, a variety of student-centered activities to make learning fun and memorable. To refocus on the featured Bible story, (if at all possible) it is recommended that a student be asked to read the story in each language represented in a class. Concluding each lesson is a choral reading of the story from an easy version of the Bible in English.

Note: This file is 14.7 MB zip file which contains the Learning of Jesus manual and Powerpoint® slides. It may take several seconds to complete the download depending on the speed of your connection.

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